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글 작성자: Pastor. Yoon
킹제임스 성경을읽을 때 유의할 어휘들입니다.
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독자들은 프린트해서 익혀 두시기  바랍니다. *참고용입니다. 잘못하면 성경 변개가 될 수도 있습니다.

* 아래 자료는 완전히 믿을 만하지 못합니다.
Archaic words and th Authorized Version(by Larry Vance)- 이 책이 가장 확실함.


The following list of over 500 archaic and obsolete words and phrases has been prepared in order to help the average reader understand more readily the meaning of the King James Version. Of course, not all of these words and phrases are inappropriate in all contexts and hence each expression is followed by a list of those passages in which misunderstanding is likely to occur.

In each instance the bold-face word or phrase represents the King James text. This is followed by a dash to separate it from the more meaningful alternative. Where there is more than one alternative, each is given and the corresponding passages are listed.

Though this list of archaic and obsolete words is not exhaustive, it does, however, provide the reader with a handy reference to most expressions which are likely to produce difficulty in comprehending the meaning of the King James Version.

  • abased -humbled, Mt. 23:12; Lk. 14:11; 18:14
  • abide -await, Acts 20:23
  • abroad -outside, Deut. 24:11 -in the street. Jer. 6:11
  • accursed -devoted, Josh. 6:17, 18 (3 times); 7:1 (2 times), 11, 12 (2 times), 13 (2 times), 15; 22:20; 1 Chr. 2:7